Last Updated: Jul 01, 2015     Views: 277

Can I return my ebooks/e-books/eBooks/audio ebooks/ audio eBooks?

1.      EPUB and PDF eBooks can be returned using Adobe Digital Editions from a computer

2.      EPUB eBooks and MP3 audiobooks can be returned using OverDrive Media Console v2.4 (or newer) for Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone.

How do I return eBooks using Adobe Digital Editions?

  1. Open Adobe Digital Editions.
  2. Select the 'Library View' icon (in the upper left corner).
         The Adobe Digital Editions library is displayed.
  3. Under the 'Bookshelves' heading, select 'Borrowed'.
  4. Click the eBook you want to return.
  5. Click the 'Item Options' arrow (in the upper left corner of the selected eBook).
  6. Select 'Return Borrowed Item'.
  7. Click 'Return' to verify that you want to return the eBook.
         The eBook is returned.

How do I return eBooks/audio eBooks using OverDrive Media Console v2.4 (or newer) for Android?

To return eBooks from the bookshelf…

  1. Tap the ‘+’ icon next to an eBook, then tap ‘Return/Delete’.
  2. Tap ‘Return then Delete’.
         The eBook is both returned and deleted from your device.

How do I return eBooks/audio eBooks using OverDrive Media Console v2.4 (or newer) for BlackBerry?

To return eBooks from the bookshelf…

  1. Select the title you would like to return, then push the BlackBerry button.
  2. Select 'Return/Delete'.
  3. Select ‘Return then Delete’.
         The eBook is both returned and deleted from your device.

How do I return eBooks/audio eBooks using OverDrive Media Console v2.4 (or newer) for Windows Phone?

To return eBooks from the bookshelf…

  1. T1. Tap and hold an eBook to show the menu, then tap‘return/delete’.
  2. Tap ‘Return then Delete’.
         The eBook is both returned and deleted from your device.