Last Updated: Jul 01, 2015     Views: 31

We are obliged to honor whatever conditions a lending library places on its materials. Some libraries restrict their materials to in-library use only or do not allow renewals. 

  • Materials already owned by HPLD cannot be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
  • Entire issues of magazines and journals cannot be requested via Interlibrary Loan.
  • Some non-book items such as videos, CDs, DVDs and microfilm can be difficult to obtain.
  • Some libraries, especially genealogical libraries, may be willing only to photocopy portions of their materials, rather than lend them, if you can provide a specific description of what you need.

  • Items from the Library of Congress cannot be requested via interlibrary loan.


The microfilm machine is available only at the Centennial Park Library. Microfilm or microfiche requested through Interlibrary Loan can only be sent to this location. Often the lending libraries limit the number of reels that they send (usually 4 reels at a time) and these must be returned before more can be ordered.