Last Updated: Nov 06, 2015     Views: 253


You can renew items a number of ways.

   1. Call: 1-888-861-7323

   2. Bring them to a public service desk at any High Plains Library District library.

   3. Online

            From the homepage, click on “My Account” tab.

            Click on “Account Login”

            Type in the 14 digit barcode (located on the back of your library card)

            Type in your PIN number (your PIN is usually the last four digits of your phone number)

            Click “Submit”

            Click on your name, in the upper right corner.

            Click on the check box for each item you want to renew and click the button "Renew Marked."

            Or click on the box "Renew All" to renew all items.

            Check to be sure all items renewed.

             If it has renewed, the due date will change

             If not, you will see an error message explaining why.


